About michael moore

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So far michael moore has created 16 blog entries.
31 03, 2021


By |2021-03-31T16:50:57-04:002021 March 31st, |older • blogs|

December 27, 2020

i n e p t i t u d e 

The bill was flown to Mar-a-Lago on Thursday afternoon. . . . . .

According to a CNN report, ‘as the hour approached, aides were informed the President would not be signing the relief bill that evening. One source told CNN that Trump had “changed his mind.”‘

I’m wondering now - as are probably many/most of you - when did Donald Trump get a mind, let alone be competent enough to change one?
For one to have the ability to make such a conscious decision implies that one has either a mind, a conscience or a modicum of decency, empathy - or plain ole-fashioned caringness - to do


Notwithstanding that, of course - far better for those in dire need to receive $2000.00 as opposed to $600.00 - not the issue. What is the issue? you may well ask?

The issue is that faith, confidence - hope - yes even hope, was trustingly placed in the hands of Mr President Donald JumpTrump - to exercise his plain old responsibilities and make an attempt - make an attempt to alleviate the pain, the suffering - the embarrassment of the regular American citizen, to perhaps, be able to buy food for a Christmas Day dinner - to look their children in the eye and say, ”Things aren’t great - but things will get better.”

Today - two days after Christmas, if that same parent sits their children down in front of them he will say, what?
”Shucks, kids. Our all-wise and benevolent President seems to feel that another day, or two - or weeks - or maybe a month, will be character building for us Americans. And so, we just have to suck it up - and do what’s best for our fearless leader and country.”


Is that possibly true?
Might well be. What else can they offer their kids, here - two days after Christmas.
Nada….zilch….zero - nothing.

Donald Trump has finally achieved what no other American president has ever achieved…..the full-on contempt of America’s citizenry. Its disgust and complete disdain for anything he might do now today, or tomorrow or 25 days from now.

One thing is for sure - on Day 26 Donald Trump will no longer be residing in
the White House.

And that’s the very best thing one can take away from this conduct of warped egotism and misplaced values.

©2020 michaelXmoore theGeneralIdea/

31 03, 2021


By |2021-03-31T16:40:08-04:002021 March 31st, |older • blogs|

January 19, 2021

t e a r s w e l l

is what?

It is what most North Americans should be feeling at this moment…..

it is that surge of optimism to bubble to the surface of the fabric of America.

Today, tonight, is sombre — but it is a sombre promise to heal, to further the advance against the
battle of the pandemic — it is the commitment to faith.

Tonight, tomorrow, the current quilt of disarray that has been the hallmark of the current administration —
will be replaced with another….a new fabric that is comprised of threads of faith, threads of honour.

A transition will surely occur — a chrysallis is about to blossom.
He, who will man the helm of the great ship of the USA, is committed to honesty, committed to
a fibre of fundamental beliefs and commitments to ‘fair play’, to honest effort to  heal the nation —
to lead the charge against this pandemic, to raise a sword against prejudice and lack of honest principles.

There are those — there are far too many of those, who subscribed to a dishonest agenda —
who signed on, signed up for a daily dose of lies, mis-representations and in fact traitorous ambitions.

Tears swell?

Indeed! If you do not, are not — feeling exactly that, you are. most likely, sadly, a lost soul.

But, in the view of President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamela Harris, if such applies to any of you,
try to relax your misplaced perceptions. Instead, take a moment — take many moments, to hear —
to hear the message of faith, hope and belief in the United States of America.

And be comforted that you will be, regardless of the mistaken path you might have followed —
you will be welcomed within the bosom of a NewDay — a NewPath.

More simply put — give it a chance. What have you got to lose?

Calmness, serenity — candles softly flickering in the coming night — will provide light to a path
that will deliver to you, the confidence of comfort.

2021 michaelmoore theGeneralIdea/

31 03, 2021

w h o o o s h !

By |2021-03-31T16:33:16-04:002021 March 31st, |older • blogs|

January 20, 2021

so • w h o o o o s h !


I mean, WHOOOSH!

Like, exhale, breathe in — breathe happy without that tight band of compression around your chest. That tight band that on a daily basis has been the speedometer of the Trump presidency.



Trump’s little (read, teensy) farewell crowd was appropriately proportional to the positive accomplishments this megalomaniac attained as President 45.

  1. 45?

You mean as in 45 RPM? Who, amongst you, remember — prior to the digital age — the age of turntables, the age of platters. A single was released as a 45 • • • a 45 referenced the speed — as in 45 RPM (revolutions per minute)

But, an LP was always at 78–78RPM…….(LP=Long Play)

In any event, it’s done. Don’sGone — it’s done and DON — as in,

‘You’re FIRED!’

Yup — you be fired, jerk.

So, as I said on many occasions, in many of my previous posts, on that day — on THIS day, there’d be, ‘Dancin’ in the Streets’’

There do be that.

And so, we collectively sigh, a sigh of relief. At the end of the day we watch, witness, normalcy — a return to normalcy. And it’s — s o o t h i n g !

Simply, soothing.

To watch, on CNN, as President Biden signs executive orders to reverse the madness of Trump’s policies……to watch America re-join the global community, starting with the Paris Accord — it’s…..well, it’s simply enervating!

Yes! The power of positivity — that attitude by which America demonstrated firm grip on equitability — an attitude of ‘CAN DO’ — which, to the rest of the world, defined America and Americans. CAN DO!

And, WILL DO! Will do for the citizens of America. Will do, for the global community.

w h o o o o s h !

OhBoy! Am I ever excited for tomorrow! Haven’t felt that way for a long time — for four years!

Frankly, I’m just — as is most of America — giddy.

Félicitations, USA!

©2020 michaelXmoore theGeneralIdea/

31 03, 2021

Bleaker Street

By |2021-03-31T16:22:32-04:002021 March 31st, |older • blogs|

April 14, 2020

Bleaker Street

The streets
Are running black with rain

Twisting rivulets
Circling a drain

Rubbery licorice
Like plastic misshapen
Contours of life
Slipping away

These days dark
Not ending ‘till night
Blessedly for some

Gloom pervades
And persistently permeates
Our streets today
Cedars sway, they grace
Tree trunks glistening
Society’s tears sliding
In downward spirals

Watches, clocks – time
Has become a fluid course
Of tolerance
Waning patients
For better or worse

Lives unravel
Children’s cries, cry out
Mothers arms, wearier now
As patience demands
An end


31 03, 2021

A Friend When No One Else Seems to Care

By |2021-03-31T16:09:38-04:002021 March 31st, |older • blogs|

April 24, 2020

A Friend When No One Else Seems to Care

Not going to get into semantics here. But what horrors are currently at the forefront of those people in public service who have earned your trust? SO, in a blind trust there have been many a folk, recently, who took Donald Trump at his word and attempted to defend their body against the onslaught of COVID-19 by ingesting bleach – or some other form of disinfectant chemical.

Yeah Right. Trust me.

Al Waxman, that beloved Canadian actor, made this TV commercial for Kleenex in 1971. It was and still is a classic.

Edwin, Harvey, Chick – all locked up in a cell with Mr. Waxman (locked up, locked down – much like today?) –

The message stated by Kleenex was, ‘A friend when no one else seems to care.’  Comforting words, yes?

Seems to me this world needs a great deal more friends such as that  statement suggests.

And, as for famous last words, at the end of the commercial,

‘And Momma told us to stay inside!’

From BBC World News : : April 24, 2020

US President Donald Trump has been lambasted by the medical community after suggesting research into whether coronavirus might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body.

He also appeared to propose irradiating patients’ bodies with UV light, an idea dismissed by a doctor at the briefing.

Another of his officials had moments earlier said sunlight and disinfectant were known to kill the infection.

Disinfectants are hazardous substances and can be poisonous if ingested.

Even external exposure can be dangerous to the skin, eyes and respiratory system.

What did President Trump say?

During Thursday’s White House coronavirus task force briefing, an official presented the results of US government research that indicated coronavirus appeared to weaken more quickly when exposed to sunlight and heat.

The study also showed bleach could kill the virus in saliva or respiratory fluids within five minutes and isopropyl alcohol could kill it even more quickly.

31 03, 2021

Come the Dark : : April 15 2020

By |2021-03-31T15:57:47-04:002021 March 31st, |older • blogs|

Come the Dark

It is in my nature. It is not something over which I have control. Some call it hereditary – perhaps it is.
But it is a fact that I have learned to live with.

The early earlier hours, when most normal are sleeping, snugly, slumbering silently, is when I greet the day.

Four A.M., 4:30. Usually within 20 minutes one side or the other. Being that I have learned to live within
my normalcy my routine is pretty much always the same.

Following a few basic chores – coffee-making, cat feeding, etcetera, I make my way tothe corner window,
to my always inviting and comforting recliner.

It faces south-east, just slightly across the treetops. Treetops that at this time of year are still barren,
prickly sticks of branches poking and probing up into the night air. Beyond their skeletalscreen the
constant flow of the St. Lawrence is felt, if not seen. The dark void that brackets the winkling lights of the
south shore condos, the necklace that flickers as the tree branches sway about.

It is in those moments that I then sit quietly, searching the skies, seeing either blocky greycloud outlines,
or, seeing nothing.

Come the dark.

These days the dark evokes a feeling of threat. It speaks in windy whispers of sad and unwelcome realities.
It mocks the sense of comforting normalcy that once was.

Come the dark, the dark horseman, to render many of us stricken. To add our names, our numbers to an
ever-growing pyramid of casualties.

And I sit, feeling the dark, feeling the darkness. Which in these times seems to linger longer.

Turning to look out the window behind me, the window that faces the normally busy roadway,
I am constantly stunned by the vacancy that now greets me. The pools of rainwater glisten up a
reflection of the  monotony of the red, the orange, the green signals, of the stoplights.

Rarely now, these mornings, does one see a car. The odd one or two that slip along the  street quickly
come and as quickly disappear.

Come the dark, too soon. Come the morning, come the dawn, these days, not quite soon enough.

A simple spot of sunshine has become the currency of our time.


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