January 19, 2021

t e a r s w e l l

is what?

It is what most North Americans should be feeling at this moment…..

it is that surge of optimism to bubble to the surface of the fabric of America.

Today, tonight, is sombre — but it is a sombre promise to heal, to further the advance against the
battle of the pandemic — it is the commitment to faith.

Tonight, tomorrow, the current quilt of disarray that has been the hallmark of the current administration —
will be replaced with another….a new fabric that is comprised of threads of faith, threads of honour.

A transition will surely occur — a chrysallis is about to blossom.
He, who will man the helm of the great ship of the USA, is committed to honesty, committed to
a fibre of fundamental beliefs and commitments to ‘fair play’, to honest effort to  heal the nation —
to lead the charge against this pandemic, to raise a sword against prejudice and lack of honest principles.

There are those — there are far too many of those, who subscribed to a dishonest agenda —
who signed on, signed up for a daily dose of lies, mis-representations and in fact traitorous ambitions.

Tears swell?

Indeed! If you do not, are not — feeling exactly that, you are. most likely, sadly, a lost soul.

But, in the view of President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamela Harris, if such applies to any of you,
try to relax your misplaced perceptions. Instead, take a moment — take many moments, to hear —
to hear the message of faith, hope and belief in the United States of America.

And be comforted that you will be, regardless of the mistaken path you might have followed —
you will be welcomed within the bosom of a NewDay — a NewPath.

More simply put — give it a chance. What have you got to lose?

Calmness, serenity — candles softly flickering in the coming night — will provide light to a path
that will deliver to you, the confidence of comfort.

2021 michaelmoore theGeneralIdea/medium.com