Rain, brittle - on the verge of breaking. On the very cusp of transformation. To sleet first, then probably...probably to snow. 'Snow would be definitely better', he thought as he [...]
n e w b i e
michael moore2021-03-31T12:03:00-04:00n e w b i e #4 ‘Okay....newbie...your turn’ He looked at her – then at the others. Granted, he hadn’t been paying close attention to what was going on [...]
bereshith : : in the beginning
michael moore2021-03-31T12:04:16-04:00bereshith : : in the beginning There was, as there is with all things, a beginning. But, she couldn’t exactly remember where, or when that was now; nor how far [...]
michael moore2021-03-30T12:28:52-04:00timeXdistance Oh! How is it We've aged And How have we Gauged The distance And difference And the time In between Us? Are we sepia-toned Cold blue, To the bone [...]
patates oignons
michael moore2021-03-31T12:07:15-04:00patates oignons March 01, 2020 ‘patates/oignons?’, she asked. Of course she did, every time. It’s her job. I never said ‘No!’ ‘Mais oui!’, I reply… ‘Votre commande est: deux oeufs [...]
Far Painted Faded Hills
michael moore2021-03-30T12:30:07-04:00FAR PAINTED FADED HILLS Far painted faded hills A purpley-blue twilight Pulling at my senses Tug me out into the night Roads, soft, cut like ribbons Through high towering trees [...]
michael moore2021-03-31T12:24:50-04:00Bubbles She awoke to bubbles. Tickles and giggles and bubbles and bursts of frenzied fizzy feelings –bursting like, as if she was about to pop right out of her skin. [...]
Alice|Clara In Her Wanderland
michael moore2021-03-31T12:26:31-04:00Alice|Clara In Her Wanderland The peonies, all creamy white and frothy pink, were laughing at a joke the snapdragons just made. The begonias, being as how begonias are wont to [...]
A Washington Night
michael moore2021-03-31T13:42:25-04:00A Washington Night The rain thrummed down against the bay window. Gazing at it from across the room, he watched the rivulets stream down the panes. The light of the [...]
8 Items or Less
michael moore2021-03-31T14:36:46-04:008 items or less Idly watching but not seeing anything, I had placed the contents of my cart on the belt. Heard a voice - took a second to realize [...]