
on a fairly regular basis the content below will be rotated out
• a photograph, a book cover, a poem, perhaps

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Short Stories, Poetry, Works-In-Progress


By |2024 February 4th, |Category: mXm • blog|

writingMatters : :
healing through writing

come the Fall I will be offering a newly developed course through McGill School for Continuing Studies…..titled, ‘Healing Through Writing’What is it all about? Exactly what it says. The act of writing, regularly (daily if possible) has tremendous therapeutic value (well documented) – it is both clarifying and purgative if done, say as a personal journal. Simply because, it’s human nature – if one had ‘issues’, problems – conflicts, anger the very act of writing it out will usually result in a sense of balance restored. Not always, but usually.

This post, on, was written by WIZDOM ( and it clearly presents a balanced argument for, w r i t i n g .

So – what are you waiting for?

I have recently acquired www.writingMatters.Online. In the coming weeks it will serve as a focal point for general writing matters, because, yes – writing matters.

How to Use Writing to Boost Your Focus and Productivity?

writingMatters #1:
   • •pin•n : : coupla things – for those looking to escalate their writing tools – most specifically in the writing of novels, I cannot shine a bright enough light on Literature & Latte ( the company that invented Scrivener. It is such a robust writing environment. And I have barely scratched the surface.
Its built-in sections for Characters, Locations, if nothing else, is a huge boon. To be able to, ‘on the fly’, jump into the Characters section and input your most recent character invention/inclusion is a wonderful asset. Similarly so with Locations – copy/paste images, websites, textual info – and it’s then all right there – in your document.
And if Scrivener wasn’t enough L&L also provides another awesome tool – Scapple. It provides a dynamic whiteboard upon which one can drop in notes, images, timelines – whatever.
Two great tools.
Another awesome tool is Elephas – it is a MAC plug-in AI assistant. I’ve used it with fabulous results for research.
Finally, between now and the next post/upload I will be looking to fine-tune exactly how is going to segué into this site.
Stay tuned
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