on a fairly regular basis the content below will be rotated out
• a photograph, a book cover, a poem, perhaps
For a first time visitor, ‘writing’ is the container that holds
Short Stories, Poetry, Works-In-Progress
‘poetix & prose’
It is now finally, published and posted – both the ePub version and the paperback.
Available from www.Amazon.com
Although only published last month all reviews to date are
*****. Five stars!
Available as an ePub (free for Kindle Unlimited customers) @ $3.33 or
in paperback at $8.49 USD.
• this has been a journey for me, both as a writer but also as a graphic designer
and as a seasoned business executive. As a writer, it has been
rewarding to work my way through the accumulation of
pieces, poems, short snippets of stories to arrive at ‘poetix & prose’
as being representative of my feelings, my thoughts.
I am humbled by the result, truly.
As a graphic designer with decades of experience under my belt,
the search for a cover design that was simple, elegant –
powerful – was all-consuming time-wise.
Believe it or not I reviewed and considered 600 fonts
before settling on my final choice.
And as a seasoned business executive, having been in the
role of senior design manager for many years, it has been both
a voyage of discovery but also one wherein the respect
I came to feel for Amazon KDP was, and is, off the charts.
The tools provided by KDP for the emerging writer are simply amazing –
and Amazon keeps improving them, amplifying them.
And now, today, I am off to Ottawa – about a two hour drive,
to participate in my first ever book fair.
The Ottawa Small Press Book Fair is being held at the Tom Brown Arena,
141 Bayview Station Road, Ottawa from noon to 5:00 PM. It has been around
since 1994 when Rob MacLennan founded it.
Their Facebook page is here.
I will post photographs soon.
On another note I just returned from my first ever writing retreat –
it was organized by my writing partners/colleagues of the
Montreal Writers Collective, a MeetUp group which I’ve been a
member of for the last 4 years.
It was self-organized in that we – five of us – rented an Air BnB near
Mt. Tremblant, Québec (about two hours north of Montreal)
and arriving there last Friday we spent the week in relentless devotion to – writing.
Starting at 9:30 each day we began with our morning Pomodoro
session – write for 31 minutes, break for 5 – 7 minutes,
write an additional 31 minutes. Until noon, or thereabouts.
Following lunch if we didn’t participate in a ‘learning session’
which one or the other of us had organized (i.e., character development,
writing action scenes, writing from prompts)
we, again, spent the afternoons, writing.
And following dinner (which we each took turns in preparing –
mine was awesome : > ). (chili) we continued with the writing of our
individual projects. Which in every case, was the writing of a novel.
In spite of an intense two day heat wave (32 – 34 degrees), with NO air conditioning,
we ‘soldiered on’. It was, great. It was something we hope to repeat again next year.
My next post will include photographs of the Fair and our writers’ retreat.
Thanks, as always, for listening.