Come the Dark : : April 15 2020
Come the Dark It is in my nature. It is not something over which I have control. Some call it [...]
on a fairly regular basis the content below will be rotated out
• a photograph, a book cover, a poem, perhaps
For a first time visitor, ‘writing’ is the container that holds
Short Stories, Poetry, Works-In-Progress
and Momma told us. . . .
and Momma told us . . . .
1971 • Al Waxman, the much loved and remarkable Canadian actor
appeared in this TV commercial for Kleenex.
It was a huge success in terms of the public’s adoption of most all aspects
of the tongue-in-cheek humour it embraced.
‘get plenty of rest’ . . . . . . . indeed – but more than anything, the last line,
‘and Momma told us to stay inside’ has stayed with me, in my memory,
these past 50 years.
Did Momma foresee the pandemic? Of course not – but there is, shall
we say, an aptness – to the message.
I hope you enjoy this – I still get the giggles.
Trust me!