January 20, 2021
so • w h o o o o s h !
I mean, WHOOOSH!
Like, exhale, breathe in — breathe happy without that tight band of compression around your chest. That tight band that on a daily basis has been the speedometer of the Trump presidency.
Trump’s little (read, teensy) farewell crowd was appropriately proportional to the positive accomplishments this megalomaniac attained as President 45.
- 45?
You mean as in 45 RPM? Who, amongst you, remember — prior to the digital age — the age of turntables, the age of platters. A single was released as a 45 • • • a 45 referenced the speed — as in 45 RPM (revolutions per minute)
But, an LP was always at 78–78RPM…….(LP=Long Play)
In any event, it’s done. Don’sGone — it’s done and DON — as in,
‘You’re FIRED!’
Yup — you be fired, jerk.
So, as I said on many occasions, in many of my previous posts, on that day — on THIS day, there’d be, ‘Dancin’ in the Streets’’
There do be that.
And so, we collectively sigh, a sigh of relief. At the end of the day we watch, witness, normalcy — a return to normalcy. And it’s — s o o t h i n g !
Simply, soothing.
To watch, on CNN, as President Biden signs executive orders to reverse the madness of Trump’s policies……to watch America re-join the global community, starting with the Paris Accord — it’s…..well, it’s simply enervating!
Yes! The power of positivity — that attitude by which America demonstrated firm grip on equitability — an attitude of ‘CAN DO’ — which, to the rest of the world, defined America and Americans. CAN DO!
And, WILL DO! Will do for the citizens of America. Will do, for the global community.
w h o o o o s h !
OhBoy! Am I ever excited for tomorrow! Haven’t felt that way for a long time — for four years!
Frankly, I’m just — as is most of America — giddy.
Félicitations, USA!
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