surely everyone knows what voiceover is, right?
It’s audio overlaid on top of a film sequence, a video or another voice-track…….
in a way, a voiceover might be the opinions being expressed about an event occurring in the background.
So – think of a blog then, as a voiceover. Frequently the voice of a blogger is that of someone who is attempting to describe or explain details, facts, issues in a context that is consistent with the known voice of the blogger.
Think of, say, Rush Limbaugh. Not that I am in accord with any positions he ever propounded or promoted. But, his voice
came to be regarded as one true point-of-view of the ultra conservatives, in America.
On the other hand, such a voice, might also be viewed as noise – just background noise. Static, even to many people’s ears.
Thus, what I choose to write about – be it current politics, design innovations, cooking and kitchen tips – photography. . . . whatever, please try to hear it as a voiceover.
It doesn’t mean that what I may say, or my opinions, have any merit. For some of you they may – others not. Doesn’t matter.
I have chosen to use my voice, to reflect observations about things that go on around me.
And do not expect that I will have much, if anything to say, every day – or every week.
But whatever voice I do bring to you will be framed in simple honesty – that you can count on